Ladas & Parry LLP considers diversity and inclusion as core values and principles that provide access to opportunity, maximization of expertise and a range of perspectives and ensures excellence, particularly in the IP field. We salute those who...
Read ArticleLadas & Parry LLP considers diversity and inclusion as core values and principles that provide access to opportunity, consolidation of expertise and ensure excellence, particularly in the field of intellectual property. We salute those who have...
Read ArticleLadas & Parry LLP considers diversity and inclusion as core values and principles that provide access to opportunity, consolidation of expertise and range of perspectives and ensures excellence, particularly in the IP field. We salute those who...
Read ArticleOn November 1st Ladas & Parry attorney David Brezina will be giving a presentation titled, “Intellectual Property ‘Quick Look’ Audits: Why and When in Business Transactions”, sponsored by the Illinois State Bar Association. During this...
Read ArticleLadas & Parry attorney Frank Gao will be a panelist on the IPO (Intellectual Property Owners) Chat Channel to discuss ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) at 12pm on Tuesday, August 1st, titled: “Considerations for Using ADR in Intellectual...
Read Article17 USC 102(a) provides copyright protection for original works of authorship fixed in any tangible medium of expression, now known or later developed, from which they can be perceived, reproduced, or otherwise communicated, either directly or with...
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