U.S. trademark registrations automatically lapse if they are not maintained or renewed at the appropriate times. The registrant must, at a minimum, submit an affidavit of use (or excusable non-use) of the mark in U.S. Commerce with acceptable...
Read Article<a href=”https://ladasparry.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/bigstock-Mahogany-wooden-gavel-on-gloss-9_30_16-123240980-72-dpi-sm.jpg”><img class=” wp-image-5006 alignleft”...
Read ArticleOn January 18, 2018, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit reinstated the Washington Redskins’ federal trademark registrations originally cancelled by the Trademark Trials and Appeals Board (“TTAB”) in 2014 in light of the Supreme...
Read ArticleThe mark must be used “in Commerce” and in good faith in the ordinary course of trade. While the USPTO will generally not conduct an inquiry, the applicant must claim use that qualifies as “Use in U.S. Commerce”....
Read Article“Intent to use” (“ITU”) trademark applications must be successfully amended to allege use in U.S. Commerce before proceeding to registration. The applicant has six months from the issuance of a Notice of Allowance (“NOA”) or any...
Read ArticleThe USPTO has implemented a program to audit trademark maintenance and renewal filings for the purpose of ensuring that trademark registrations were not being maintained in connection with goods and services for which the marks are no longer in use...
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