A MESSAGE FROM L&P: As the COVID-19 virus spreads across the globe, devastating the health of people and economies, Ladas & Parry LLP has been closely following the developments and recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO) and...
Read ArticleBecause of the world-wide disruptions caused by the COVID-19 virus, patent and trademark offices around the world have been reacting in a variety of ways such as extending deadlines, waiving fees or ceasing operations all together. Here are some...
Read ArticleOn June 6, 2020 The Hague Agreement went into force in Mexico. This agreement provides the means of protection for Mexican industrial designs within the Hague System. Under the Hague Treaty, parties from participating countries may file a single...
Read ArticleKevin Thompson will be a speaker at a Chicago Bar Association seminar entitled “International Law: More Relevant Than You Think!” from 3-6pm on April 30, 2020. Mr. Thompson’s topic will be: “The Changes Coming to Intellectual Property...
Read ArticleLadas & Parry LLP considers diversity and inclusion as core values and principles that provide access to opportunity, consolidation of expertise and ensure excellence, particularly in the field of intellectual property. We salute those African...
Read ArticleLadas & Parry LLP considers diversity and inclusion as core values and principles that provide access to opportunity, consolidation of expertise and range of perspectives and ensures excellence, particularly in the IP field. We salute those who...
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