In Memoriam: Allan S. Pilson 1942 – 2016
We are sad to report that, after 50 years of dedicated service to Ladas & Parry LLP, Allan Pilson, former Senior Partner and more recently Of Counsel to the firm, died on December 16. Allan joined the firm in 1966, and contributed substantially to important developments in the field of IP, beginning with the opportunity to have worked alongside the legendary Dr. Stephen Ladas for more than 10 years. As an early member of the Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property (ASIPI), and later its treasurer for 14 years, Allan was an important part of the synergy that has developed in the field of IP between Latin America and the USA. He was recently recognized as one of ASIPI’s Members of Honor. As a member of the International Trademark Association (INTA), Allan was an important voice and contributor during the organization’s evolution from the USTA to INTA in the early 1990’s, having been a key member of the Internationalization Committee and Task Force and later a member of the INTA’s Board of Directors. He also served as the Editor in-Chief of The Trademark Reporter and served on its Advisory Board. During his career as an IP attorney, Allan travelled extensively, promoting the advancement of international trademark law. He will always be remembered for his dedicated service to the firm and its clients and for his dedication to mentoring generations of young lawyers.