Happy 100th Birthday Del Goldsmith
Happy 100th Birthday Del Goldsmith
Our retired partner Del Goldsmith recently celebrated his 100th birthday at a birthday party hosted by the Patterson Fire Department where Del was active for over 50 years. The Patterson Fire Department is an all volunteer fire department located in Putnam County, New York. Up to several years ago Del was still actively serving the fire department by policing traffic at the scene of a fire.
An account of his birthday celebration can be found at the website of The Journal News.
John Richards of our firm prepared a short note a few years ago celebrating Del’s out-of-the-office firefighting pasttime and tied it to Del’s profession as a patent lawyer by giving us a history of the change of technology as it relates to firefighting as can be seen with the aid of patents issued over the years.
Our very best wishes to Del and his wife Ann. As Del says, “I’ve lived a little bit. The first 100 years are the longest.” May Del enjoy his second century as much as his first, even if the years should seem to be speeding by.