Dennis Prahl, Partner in the New York Office, was quoted in the February/March 2014 World Trademark Review article “Locating Your Virtual Partners.”
Mr. Prahl “identifies four primary issues that brand owners will need to address. First is developing a strategy to protect their trademarks in the Trademark Clearinghouse and other private brand protection services such as Donuts’ Domain Protected Marks List. Second is keeping track of sunrise and landrush periods for all relevant new domains that are of interest. Third is developing a sensible policy to address the anticipated rise in cybersquatting without breaking the corporate budget. Fourth is working out how best to use any new TLDs in their own trademark and marketing strategies.” He adds: “For brand owners who have opted for their own ‘.brand’, I think the challenge will be one of education to their consumers as to how that ‘.brand’ is now more relevant than their existing ‘.com’ presence.”