Press Release:
New York – November 10, 2009 – Ladas & Parry LLP is pleased to announce that Allan S. Pilson, a senior partner and resident in its New York office, was awarded the designation “Member of Honor” of the Inter-American Association of Intellectual Property (“ASIPI”) at the Association’s meeting in Lima, Peru on October 28, 2009.
The status of Member of Honor was conferred on Mr. Pilson based on his “major contribution to the system of intellectual property in the Western Hemisphere and to the development of the activities of the association …”
Mr. Pilson served as Treasurer and member of the Executive Committee of ASIPI from 1989 to 2003. He joins such other distinguished Members of Honor as G.H.C. Bodenhausen, Thomas Leonardos, Arpad Bogsch and Alberto de Elzaburu.
Two other Members of Honor named during the ceremonies in Lima were Francisco Espinosa Bellido, a Peruvian intellectual property attorney and former Vice President of ASIPI, and Ernesto Rubio, Assistant Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization.
ASIPI was established in 1964 for the purpose of improving and harmonizing the intellectual property laws of the Americas.