Ladas & Parry LLP

Ladas Attorneys Participating in “International Industrial and Commerce IP Summit” hosted by China’s SIPO

Matthew Asbell and Maggie Wang will be attending the “International Industrial and Commerce IP Summit”, an event sponsored by the State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) of China in Shenzhen on Nov. 4-6, 2014. Matthew will speak on Nov. 5 about “Practical Considerations for Chinese Companies Seeking Patent Rights in the United States”. The SIPO event is the last stop on a four-city tour, with previous events held in Wuhan, Suzhou and Qingdao, this year. This event is expected to be the most important and successful of the tour considering the strategic location of the city.


Matthew Asbell和王东芳将于2014年11月4日至6日参加国家知识产权局的”知识产权万里行“的深圳站活动。Matthew将于11月5日下午就”中国人在美国申请专利应考虑的因素“这一主题发表演讲。国知局的万里行活动本年度已经在武汉、苏州和青岛举办过三次。深圳是最后一站,从目前嘉宾阵容来看,大咖云集,预计将会是最重要也最成功的一站。

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